Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ipod Ads

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


1. Hierarchy = Organizing things from Most Important to Least Important.
2. Focal/Focus Point = The Strongest, most Engaging element in a design.
3. Eye Path = A Strong composition that can lead the viewer's eye through a design.
4. Proportion = The size of elements, Relative to one another.
5. Visual Weight = The Lightness or Darkness of a colour.
6. Type as a Visual Element
7. Alignment [GRID] = Using Order/Rhythm to place elements on a page.
*Use these tools to guide your viewer's eye.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Me Avatar

I cant blv its bigger than a movie

Thursday, February 24, 2011

new notes


-Make sure your mask layer is selection to paint on it, NOT THE ACTUAL PICTURE!

-The chain link represents merging the two layers. (becomes one)

- If you want to fade something, use a SOFT brush and low opacity

-If you want to mask out something, use a HARD brush and high opacity.

- To change the opacity, hit the numbers (ex. 4 for 40%, 3 for 30%)

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Beach car/Car beach

-drag backround to to other image
-duplicate image layer
-then on that layer click ctrl+T
-Make image your desired size
-Click enter
-And then click rhe brush tool

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

drop shadow

  1. text tool to write ur name
  2. right click and rasterized text
  3. drag text layer to duplicate
  4. lock the transparency
  5. edit>fill>color>black
  6. unlock the transparency
  7. filter>blur>gaussian blur
  8. put shadow layer under original layer

Friday, February 11, 2011

PS shortcuts

Alt subtract from selection

Alt+space zoom out

Ctrl+ D deselect

Ctrl+Shift+D reselect

Ctrl + shift + I select inverse

Ctrl+space zoom in

Ctrl+ + Zoom In

Ctrl+ - Zoom Out

[ increase brush size

] decrease brush size

L lasso tool

M marquee tool

Shift add to selection

Space drag